Sunday, 19 February 2012

Malifaux: Sonnia Criid

Sonnia Criid's Witch-hunters.
Well, i know i said i was going to start Malifaux with Kirai Ankoku, but after a bit more research and starting to get into the rules of the game, i realised that yes, Kirai has incredibly involved playstyle and that to jump in feet first with her might be making it tougher for myself than need be, with this in mind i cast my eye over the other gangs available and decided on Sonnia Criid and her Witch hunters as the models are also, just gorgeous,  i haven't even played a single game of Malifaux yet and i am totally intrigued by the system, the resource management twist with using a deck of cards in lieu of dice is something i'm really looking forward to giving a go, hopefully when i get a chance to grab a game or two i might be able to do a battle report to give people a bit of a taster.

Sonnia Criid.
One of the details i really like is the fact that scenarios you play aren't repetitive, there are lots to choose from, including ones specific to the crew you are playing with, as well as these basic scenarios you get "Schemes" which are an extra level of victory conditions built into the scenario on top, some require you to keep them a secret, some you tell your opponent, but the rule book essentially reads like something akin to a highly tweaked and more interesting version of Necromunda, and when you add in the fact that Malifaux crews only tend to be made of a select group of individuals rather than sprawling armies, getting started doesn't carry a prohibitive cost, in fact, this crew cost me less than twenty quid, and the rulebook was a tenner (from Heroes and Legends mind, they discount everything!) and then the fate deck to play games with was only a couple of quid, so for just over 30 quid i've got everything i need to get knee deep in Malifaux, which is pretty exciting when you think about it.

Sammael Hopkins.

Sonnia Criid herself is a High-Damage Output Caster with a variety of flame-based spells at her disposal, as well as her anti-magic abilities, she works for the guild, the dystopian organisation that polices the frontier dimension of Malifaux, i am an instant sucker for that "Good guy... or not?" character that essentially fights for the forces of good but may have other motives going on, she heads up task forces that hunt down the various mages of Malifaux and persecutes them in the name of order, she is backed up Sammael Hopkins with his trusty .45 Colt and Huntin' Tools, he can magically imbue his shots with flame, Gunmancy, pretty awesome in my book.  He can also loose off three devestating shots that can annihilate nearly anything in the game with a series of decent draws which i like the sound of, as a friend of mine has been threatening that he will be using Lord
Witchling Stalker.
Chompy Bits and the Dreamer, so hopefully i'll be able to stand up and spit in their faces!

The basic grunts for Sonnia and her crew are the Witchling Stalkers, now initially i was put off by the Witchling Stalkers as they essentially look like deranged midgits (or little people as i prefer to call them) but when i first showed interest in the game someone said to me that "a lot of the models in Malifaux don't necessarily make sense until you read the background" which is very true.  The Witchling Stalkers are captured mages from other warbands in the Guild's pursuits, Sonnia Criid then binds these individuals with powerful Hexes that are essentially anti-magic, the effect this has on the unfortunates is that their bodies begin to atrophy and wither under the strain, this causes catastrophic trauma to the individual and under the attentions of the Guild's witch hunter's they are
Witchling Stalker.
rehabilitated into combat against their former allies, eager to do anything to stave off the inevitable decay of their bodies, after reading this in its full context i was pretty riveted and reading along the background of some of the other casters inspired me greatly as well.

In the game Sonnia and her hexed friends form a kind of "Anti-magic pit" those reliant on spells will have a hard time against her, but she is by no means insurmountable.

A nice feature of Malifaux is that it definitely has a feel of Rock/Paper/Scissors some crews do benefit greatly against others, but it is a gentle push into the upper hand rather than a "haha! you lose!" feel, when compounded with the vast range of scenarios available you have to bear in mind that a lot of the time, winning a game isn't about annihilating your opponent, it can be setting up dynamite, assassinating key models (not just the opponent's caster), protecting supply wagons and many more.

Witchling Stalker.
Wyrd Miniatures (the company that produce Malifaux) also make a selection of scenery called "Terraclix" which i'm quite interested to give a go as well, its entirely modular pre-printed stuff, but it includes stairways funny little gantries and building interiors and actually looks like it would be a lot of fun to play across, and i like the idea of switching up between "Outdoor" games on traditional tables and "Indoor" games inside buildings, something you don't really get to do a lot of the time.

So i will grab a few games of Malifaux and post on my progress, i look forward to getting stuck in yet another wierd and wonderful world!


Scourge the Daemon!

Grey Knight Terminator Librarian.
A while back i painted up these Grey Knights and sold them on Ebay, originally i purchased them pretty soon after the codex came out, but after looking through the book i couldn't make head nor tail of the list at the time, so i thought i would give it some time to let some cheaky tricks emerge (let other people do the homework for me!)

I started off by making this Grey Knight Librarian from a metal Space Marine Terminator Librarian i'd had kicking around, i quite like the Terminator Librarian model, but i'd got bored of the same face bossing around my Space Marines so i thought it would be cool to fit a helmet over the top, i took a while boring out the back of the head with a modelling knife, i snipped the back half of the head off first.

And filed down the original face until he looked like he'd dipped his head in a bucket of Acid.

Stuck on a shield for the Heraldry and a Nemesis Force Sword as well as a book icon on the back, worked out quite well for a conversion i think!  I will be repeating it in future and refining it slightly for my own Grey Knight army.

Grey Knight Strike Squad.
I also painted up this Grey Knight Strike Squad, i actually swapped the Justicar and the Psycannon's legs for those in the Sanguinary Guard kit for a bit of variation amongst the squad, i quite like how the Justicar worked out.

I also added a few bits and pieces to the base as nice additional features, a Spawn arm underfoot, a Chaos Marine Helmet and a Khornate Vehicle icon all add detail nicely to the squad as well as Gale Force 9's Autumn Foliage to spice up the colour palette a bit.

Grey Knight Terminator Squad.
And finally i painted up this Terminator Squad, i was really happy with how they came out, Games Workshop did an amazing job with this kit, you can really create endless combinations for your models, and the poses are quite realistic compared to some models, i like the metallic look of the traditional colour scheme, but i'm awkward so i decided for my own to do them white to make them stand out, sometimes it's good to paint a whole squad in a traditional scheme just to make sure you want to go that way with your army, i did these guys over the space of two evenings and was quite happy to let them go, but found the experience i got painting them to be quite useful to my own Grey Knights once i started them!

The Germans are coming!

So recently i painted a large number of Flames of War Germans for a lovely fellow, it was quite an interesting experience.

It took me ages.

Assembly alone was hilarious, opening an infantry platoon box to work on seems like a great idea, everything is pretty easy to differentiate, but when you open up the box and see piles and piles of little white metal men staring back at you, it's very difficult to work out who is who, either way i made it through, painting 15mm infantry is a bizarre experience and when the colour scheme for them is the Hitlerjugend from Normandy (basically tiny dots of varying neutral colours all over the uniform) it's very difficult to make them look flash.   But i approached it with zeal and i was happy with the results, i foolishly forgot to snap the models before i handed them over (i was working on them till 4AM one night... i'm a bit nocturnal) but i did snap this Tank, i really enjoyed painting Flames of War Tanks and i hope to get some more in the future as they are a really different experience, i love my weathering in all different forms and these really give you a chance to go hog wild.

There is talk of some more coming my way so i will make sure i get the next ones photographed for the future!

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Warmachine: Storm Strider

Cygnar Storm Strider
Recently i had the pleasure of painting a Cygnar Stormstrider from Warmachine up as a commission, when i first looked at the model i thought it would be a complete nightmare, but the collection of techniques involved in painting it was actually quite refreshing, a nice mix of weathering and painting interesting textures onto the different parts of the model kept it fun to paint throughout, and it was a lot quicker to paint than i expected also.

There are normally crew to go with the model but i only received one to paint which i duly left at home when dropping the model off (when this picture was taken) so he is having to undertake and arduous quest of his own to be reunited with his Warmachine through the streets of London currently.

I was quite pleased in particular with the subtle gradient of the blue on the legs, going from darker at the bottom to lighter at the top, i'd been itching to have another go at this technique, but i think it looks better on rounded surfaces than flat, and i've been painting a lot of Imperial Vehicles for 40k which everyone knows are all about the Right angles.

I thought it would be a good time to talk about one of my favourite techniques at the moment for creating false perspective on a model, and how easy it is to achieve, The gashes and strikes on the legs of the Storm Strider are done using this method, i call it "Gouging" but i'm sure that there is another more accepted name for it in the painting community, but so what, right?

the Privateer Press Studio version of the Storm Strider has an amazing extension of this "Gouging" effect where by paint is chipped off to reveal rusted and pitted metal underneath, but i thought i would have a go at this on one of my own models first, other people's models aren't always the best place to begin experimenting!

Anyway, it goes a little like this,

Step One:  Take your surface that requires roughing up, in this example it's the unfinished leg plate of the Storm Strider, i'd got the basic colours of the leg down by this point so i figured it was a good time to chuck in this particular detail, paint fine lines over the armour plating with a colour that is just a darkened version of your main colour, the swipes in this picture are Enchanted Blue with Chaos Black 50/50 (they just look a bit darker in the picture).

The swipes tend to look better if they taper off at the ends to smaller points at each end but as you can see here i was happy just to have the basic line down, you can always go back and add the tapered ends later.

Step Two:  Go back and extreme highlight the lower of the two sides with a lighter version of your base colour (base colour of the armour, not the darkened impression), this gives the impression that the light is catching a raised edge, really deep cuts could be highlighted both edges (to simulate say an axe becoming embedded in an armour plate and the wielder really having to struggle to pull it free)

As you can see in the picture this instantly adds perspective compared to the line below it, and these are close ups, quite unforgiving, down on a gaming table it looks awesome.

So uh, yeah, that's it really.  Pretty easy, and a technique i would recommend everyone to try, these are quite large cuts obviously and i didn't want to rough the model up with too much weathering as Cygnar models tend to have quite a "Pristine" image, more industrial models like Khador i'd just say go nuts, this technique extrapolates quite well onto infantry as well, i've used it a lot on Space marines in the past with great results, when you combine it with weathering powders and little extra paint chips here and there it really looks beastly,

to take it to the next level and increase the quality even further i'd recommend a further highligh towards the edges of the first in a lighter colour adding more White or bone to whatever colour you are working with.

So if you haven't tried it already give it a shot, it's well fun.

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Goings on..

I've been busy lately on the 'ole Grey Knights, but i recently picked up a Cygnar Storm Strider (? the Battle Engine), and a monstrous Flames of War German army as commissions so i will be photographing them as they get done and putting them up here, hope they go well!

I also picked up a Malifaux Crew recently!  After much deliberating, i decided there was only one crew for me, Kirai Ankoku and her Vengeful Spirits just screamed out for me to paint them, I've always had a love for the stylings of the Orient and these models are no exception, so as i get them done i will photograph them up as well!

Time to fire up the Paintbrushes!