Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Combat Drug Addict

I have been planning to add a small allied contingent of regular 'ole Dark Eldar to my force so I can legitimately field a Ravager with Haemonculus crew without having to go full unbound.

I haven't really decided if I want it led by an Archon or a Succubus, but I know whatever I pick I want it to be wearing the  armour of Misery to make the most of the  freakish spectacle rule by stacking leadership debuffs.  

I'm leaning more towards a Succubus because she can bring an Archite Glaive to help with AP2, I'm planning for her to be hitching a ride with the other squad of Grotesques from the Grotesquerie in a raider,  and I hit on the idea of just having a really marshal character, more like a lone Incubi badass mercenary than an actual Succubus as I'm not planning on bringing any wyches.

For some bizarre reason, I have a complete set of the Asdrubael Vect metal components floating around, including the badass trench coat Incubi, but I wanted to give the model more character so I gave him a Casshern style half-helm (which was absolute misery to carve into just the right shape.) 

Initially I was unhappy with the paint job, until I added the runes along the bottom of the coat and the red lines to the shoulder pads, the "deadpool" style eyes really add to the malice of the model as well which I love, just got to get him on a table!