Monday 13 January 2014

Big Guns Never Tire - The Devastator Corps of the Marines Exemplar

Marines Exemplar 1st Company Devastators
As i've said before, one of my favourite parts about collecting an established army with no canon is that i get to add it myself, and most of the time this works out great as Games Workshop generally never round out the background for 2nd founding onwards Chapters.

I find that thinking up this background helps me to envision the army as i build it and reason what would "fit" into my army selection, i've become more and more defined for my vision of the Marines Exemplar and wanted them to have a strong vein of Imperial Fists Character running through them, but with their own twist.

I've already said how i imagine the Marines Exemplar to be quite arrogant and believe themselves superior to others, even other Astartes.  Seeing the eternal war they find themselves in to be chance after chance to attain glory in slaying the foes of Mankind.

Now, i also knew that they would have a focus on heavy Firepower, being crafted from the Fists' gene-seed, so i thought, wouldn't it be cool if they had 1st Company Devastator squads?  A structural tilt to reflect how their Devastators are superior to nearly any other chapter.

Marines Exemplar 1st Company Centurion Devastators
Though the Marines Exemplar remain sternly disciplined, i imagined the chance to wield a Heavy Weapon into battle and wreak pure (excuse the pun) Devastation among the enemy would be something they would all aspire to.

And to further this, Centurion Devastators wouldn't merely be something that was wheeled out for special missions, but true Elites among the Elite.  The best of the best.

Their Devastator corps would be a thing of Legend, and only 1st Company members would be permitted to bear anything larger than a Special Weapon into battle, to the point where even a Tactical Squad's heavy weapon would be a seconded 1st Company Veteran, their first-hand destruction inspiring the Tactical Marines with awe and constantly inspiring them to attain those same lofty ranks within the force.

Marines Exemplar 1st Company Devastators
 To this end, i have started assembling my newer Heavy Weapon marines exclusively utilising Sternguard components to make it clear they are steeped in Ornamentation as well as Legend.  I even plan on going back and replacing my Initial "Heavy Bolter" Assault Cannon Marines with this newer conversion type.

These little touches really go together when the army is arrayed for battle, all of a sudden, you know why your Devastators are better than anyone else.

They are what every Marine in your army aspires to become.  I can't think of anything more perfect for such a ranged combat focused force.

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